Legal Representative Privacy Notice

In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties (hereinafter "the Law"), we wish to inform you of the following:

Responsible for Personal Data

GRUPO INVERSIÓN, S.A. DE C.V., (hereinafter the "Company"), indicating for the purposes of this Privacy Notice the address located at Reforma number 2608, 15th floor, Colonia Lomas Altas, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, Postal Code 11950, Mexico City, will be responsible for the Personal Data provided by the individuals to whom the same correspond (hereinafter "the Data Subject" or "the Data Subjects" indistinctly).

2. Personal Data Requested from the Data Subject

For the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, the Company may collect the Personal Data of the Owners such as: full name (official identification), marital status, address, nationality, Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC), and occupation or professional activity (hereinafter and as a whole the Personal Data).

The Personal Data of the Data Controllers may be collected in the following ways: i) when the Data Controllers provide them personally or directly, ii) when the Company obtains them indirectly and iii) when they are obtained by the Company through the sources allowed by law.

It is the responsibility of the Holders of Personal Data to ensure that the data they provide personally or directly to the Company are true and complete, as well as to notify the Company of any modification to the same in order to comply with the obligation to keep the information updated.

3. Purposes for which Personal Data is Collected

The Personal Data information collected by the Company from the Data Controllers will be used as described below: i) for the identification of the Data Controllers, ii) to verify the powers granted to the Data Controllers by their legal representative and to include their Personal Data in the documents to be signed with the latter and iii) to update the Personal Data of the Data Controllers, purposes that are necessary to comply with the obligations arising from the legal relationship that the Company has with the Data Controllers.

In relation to the Personal Data of those Data Subjects who are or were attorneys-in-fact or legal representatives of persons who had a relationship with the Company and who currently no longer have such relationship, as well as of persons who intend or intended to have a relationship with the Company and such relationship is not perfected and/or of the Data Subjects who were attorneys-in-fact or legal representatives of a person who has a relationship with the Company as well as of persons who intend or intended to have a relationship with the Company and such relationship is not perfected and they cease to be or have ceased to be attorneys-in-fact or legal representatives of such person, you are hereby informed that the Company only keeps your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of article 25 of the Law, that is to say, during the blocking period established in said legal ordinance, therefore, once said blocking period has elapsed, your Personal Data will be deleted.

4. Temporary, Remittances and Transfers

The temporality of the handling of the Personal Data of the Data Controllers will depend on the relationship they have with the Company, as well as the obligations required by the legislation in force and the competent authorities.

The information provided to the Company shall be safeguarded, preserved and protected by the latter in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force in order to maintain the confidentiality of such information.

In accordance with the provisions of the Law, the Company will give access to the Personal Data of the Data Controllers (through referrals) to those persons who have the character of Data Processors such as third parties, service providers, or business partners of the Company, who have a legal relationship with the latter, that derived from such legal relationship need to know the information and assume the commitment to keep it under a strict order of confidentiality and security, also acknowledging to know the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice and committing to comply with them.

On the other hand, the Personal Data of the Data Controllers are transferred by the Company to financial institutions (banks and/or brokerage firms) for the purpose of opening the brokerage contracts of its principals and to comply with the applicable provisions on money laundering, transfers that do not require the consent of the Data Controller in accordance with the provisions of article 37 of the Law.

Likewise, in the event that the Personal Data safeguarded is required by an authority of any nature or must be delivered to the latter in accordance with the legislation in force, this data will be made available to them in strict compliance with the Law, transfers that do not require the consent of the Data Owners in accordance with the provisions of article 37 of said legal ordinance.

5. Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, Opposition, Revocation and Limitation of Personal Data

The owners of the information will have the right to request access, rectification, revocation, cancellation or opposition as well as to limit the use or disclosure of their data, by means of:

  1. Written request addressed to the Personal Data Department of GRUPO INVERSIÓN, S.A. DE C.V., at the following address: Reforma número 2608 piso 15, Colonia Lomas Altas, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, Código Postal 11950, México Distrito Federal, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., on working days, or
  2. Request made to the e-mail address: administració
    The Company will respond to the requests of the Owners of the information, as long as any of the exceptions contained in the Law are not met, and the applicant complies with the provisions of Article 29 of said law, which establishes the requirements that the requests submitted by the Owners must contain.

In order for the Company to process a Data Subject's request for access, rectification, revocation, cancellation, opposition and/or limitation of the use or disclosure of his/her data, the Data Subject must attach the following information and documentation to his/her request:

  1. Name of the Data Subject and address or other means for the Company to communicate the response to your request.
  2. The documents proving your identity or your personality in case of legal representation of the Holder (official identification of the holder or of the legal representative and power of attorney of the latter).
  3. The clear and precise description of the Personal Data with respect to which the right of access, rectification, revocation, cancellation, opposition, limitation of use or disclosure is sought to be exercised, as well as any other data or document that may facilitate the location of the Personal Data.

The Company will respond to the request of a Data Subject regarding access, rectification, revocation, cancellation, opposition and/or limitation of the use or disclosure of his/her data within the terms established by the Law, that is, within twenty (20) days after receiving the request from the Data Subject and in case the request is admissible, the same will be implemented within 15 (fifteen) days after the response is communicated to the Data Subject, terms that may be extended by the Company in accordance with the provisions of Article 32 of the Law.

The obligation of access to information shall be deemed fulfilled by the Company when, in case it is requested by the Data Subject, simple copies of his/her Personal Data are made available to the latter at the Company's domicile during a period of 15 (fifteen) business days after the response to his/her request is communicated to the Data Subject or through any of the forms established in article 33 of the Law, which shall be notified to the Data Subject in the response to his/her request.

6. Modifications to the Privacy Notice

In the event that the Company requires to use their Personal Data for purposes other than those agreed or agreed upon under the terms of the relationship it has with the Data Controllers and in this Privacy Notice or requires from the Data Controllers Personal Data other than those indicated in this Privacy Notice or intends to make transfers of Personal Data other than those indicated in this Notice, the Company will notify the Data Controllers in writing, by telephone, electronically, or by any optical, sound, visual or other means that technology allows now or in the future, explaining the new uses of such information to the Data Controllers, will notify the Data Subjects in writing, by telephone, electronically, or by any optical, sound, visual or other means that technology allows now or in the future, explaining the new uses it intends to give to such information in order to obtain their authorization. With this Privacy Notice, the Owners of the information are duly informed of the data collected from them and for what purposes as well as the fact that the Privacy Notice may be consulted at any time on the website of the Company  

The Company reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence as well as to the criteria of the authority. In such cases, the changes will be announced on the website

This Privacy Notice, as well as the handling in general of the Law by the Company, is governed by the legislation in force and applicable in the United Mexican States, any controversy that may arise due to its application must be ventilated before the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI) or before the competent Jurisdictional Bodies in Mexico City, Federal District.

Last updated August 28, 2013.

I consent and authorize my Personal Data to be processed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice.

Article 3 Section III of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties establishes that Blocking is: The identification and preservation of personal data once the purpose for which they were collected has been fulfilled, for the sole purpose of determining possible liabilities in relation to their processing, until the legal or contractual statute of limitations period. During this period, personal data may not be processed and after this period, it will be cancelled in the corresponding database.

Article 3, Section IX of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals establishes that the Processor is: The individual or legal entity that alone or jointly with others processes personal data on behalf of the Controller.